
Track was made to support different backends, you can even implement your own!

Local Backend

Track implements a local storage backend for quick and simple experiments

client = TrackClient(f'file://report.json')

CockroachDB backend

Track implements a backend that can use a running cockroachdb instance as storage.

address = '
port = 8123
client = TrackClient(f'cockroach://{address}:{port}')

Socket backend

Track implements a backend that uses sockets to forward request to a remote server


Simple servers that receive request from the client and forwards all request to another backend. The example below forwards all request to the local backend, allowing to have a single process modifying the file.

from track.persistence.socketed import start_track_server

address = '
port = 8123
layer = 'AES'
start_track_server('file:server_test.json', address, port, backend=layer)


Start a client that forwards all request to a remote server

username = ...
password = ...
address = '
port = 8123
layer = 'AES'            # supported AES or (None, i.e put nothing)
client = TrackClient(f'socket://{username}:{password}@{address}:{port}?security_layer={layer}')

Bring Your Own Backend

To implement you own you can simply extend track.persistence.protocol.Protocol

from track.persistence import register
from track.persistence.protocol import Protocol

class MyOwnBackend(Protocol):

register('byob', MyOwnBackend)

You can then use it naturally

client = TrackClient('byob://....)