Simple example

Installation and setup

In this tutorial you will run a very simple MNIST example in pytorch using Track. First, install Track, then install pytorch, torchvision and clone the PyTorch examples repository:

$ pip3 install torch torchvision
$ git clone

Adapting the code of MNIST example

After cloning pytorch examples repository, cd to mnist folder:

$ cd examples/mnist

In main, just after parsing the arguments, you can initialize the track client and create a trial. The client specifies how will the data be saved on your computer, different methods are supported. Once the client is initialized, you can create a new trial.

A trial is a set of data retrieved for a set of arguments.

$ ....
$ args = parser.parse_args()
$ client = TrackClient('file:mnist_example.json')
$ trial = client.new_trial(arguments=args)

Then you can store any kind of data that you think will be useful. In our example we decided to save the error rate on the test set

$ def test(args, model, device, test_loader, trial):
$      ...
$     trial.log_metrics(error_rate=1 - (correct / len(test_loader.dataset)))

At the end of training file mnist_example.json will be generated holding all the data you saved during training.